Mini Football Cupcakes
By hungry runner on February 2nd, 2013 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas, Decorating, Recipes .Mini Football Cupcakes are the perfect dessert for a Superbowl party tomorrow. The cupcakes are festive and they are mini which means people are more likely to take them. I think people are more likely to take mini desserts because they don’t feel as guilty eating a small portion. On a night like Superbowl Sunday when there are tons of foods and desserts at parties I think you are better off brining a small bite sized dessert that way people can sample other things.
Project Domestication made these mini football cupcakes a few years ago but they are still one of my favorite football cupcakes because they are so easy to frost and decorate. Her cupcakes are chocolate-mint flavored but you can make any chocolate flavor you or your friends like!