Happy Valentines Day ‘Hoot’
By applecupcake on February 13th, 2011 . Filed under: Birthday Ideas, Valentines Day .One thing that is almost as big as cupcakes, is a trend for really cute owls! It is no wonder then that owls, cupcakes and Valentines Day have all been combined to create a super cute gift for someone special.
These owl cupcakes were created by My Own Barn and you can find out all about them at the blog. It is truly a haven for owl lovers with everything ‘owl’ being displayed! But it was not the blog that got my attention, it was the cupcake, adorned with a lovely owl that was winking at me on Flickr. You can check them out here.
July 8th, 2012 at 11:54 pm
[…] a good baker, but I’m not that great at intricate desserts. Those cake pop things? Forget it. Beautifully decorated cupcakes? Well….mine TASTE good. But, successfully making these cookies give me hope that I’ll […]