Wear your cupcakes?

By on January 5th, 2011 . Filed under: Artwork .

‘Cake me’ is a new project for the ultra talented Kiara Black a German photographer who specialises in taking amazing photos of women.  With this series she has decided to take her cake, and instead of eat it, design with it!  Currently there are only two photos in this collection, this stunning image below is the second one, the first is cookie sweet, but you will have to check out either Kiara’s Flickr page or her website to see that one!

I just want to know how you get them to sit so perfectly without getting blue frosting on your hair… ha!

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4 Responses to Wear your cupcakes?

  1. Kiara Black

    The secret of the frosting is very easy:
    It’s made with egg white and powdered sugar so after a while it becomes stone hard and you can make everything with it.
    I made the cupcakes 2 or 3 weeks before the shooting date. So you can’t eat them anymore but you can fix them with hairclips very easy. And because of the fact the exist nearly from the much sugar they will not to go mouldy and you can use them more the once for your cupcake prinzess styling.

  2. Kiara Black

    The secret of the frosting is very easy:
    It’s made with egg white and powdered sugar so after a while it becomes stone hard and you can make everything with it.
    I made the cupcakes 2 or 3 weeks before the shooting date. So you can’t eat them anymore but you can fix them with hairclips very easy. And because of the fact that they exist nearly from the much sugar they will not to go mouldy and you can use them more then once for your cupcake prinzess styling.

  3. steph

    brilliant! love your work! the birdcage series is great!!

  4. Kiara Black

    @step: thx a lot!
    By the way. Last month I finished the Cakes project with PINK CUPCAKES

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