10 Reasons to Eat a Cupcake From a Jar

By on October 25th, 2010 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas .

In April we shared with you DIY Cupcakes in a Jar, now as if anyone would need more then one reason to eat a cupcake from a jar, Daily Candy has given us 10 delicious reasons to eat cupcakes from a jar. Number 5 was something I had not realized, which is how long cupcakes in a jar can be stored (12 days in the refrigerator)!

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1 Response to 10 Reasons to Eat a Cupcake From a Jar

  1. tmoor22

    “5. They can be stashed in the fridge up to twelve days or frozen for six weeks.”

    ~Don’t think after 12 weeks in the fridge they would be very tasty! LOL~

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