Twinkie-Chan and her Amazing Technicolor Crochet Cupcakes

By on October 10th, 2010 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas .

The Amazing Twinkie Chan!

I came across Twinkie Chan’s delicious wares when I wrote the post about the cupcake goodies to be found at the Japan LA Pop Culture Shop.  Twinkie Chan is the creative genius behind the Yummy You! line of knitted/wearable foodstuffs; the knitted cupcake scarf featured in the Japan LA post is one of her creations.

I tracked Twinkie Chan across the internet to her ridiculously cute website, and though we’re separated by several hundred miles , secured an interview with her via email. The results of our electronic Q&A session are below.

When did you start getting into crafting?

Twinkie Chan with Chocolate-Frosted Cupcake Scarf

I come from a really DIY-minded family, so crafting is sort of in my blood! My mother sewed dresses for me when I was little, and we’d always re-paint our bedrooms and our furniture.

When I’d stay with my mom’s bff when I was really little, she taught me how to paint and to sculpt. Creativity was highly encouraged from the get go! Our manta was, “Go home and make it!”

Why knit food/when did you start crocheting food?
I learned to crochet when I was younger, and even when I was in fifth grade, I was already crocheting little plush dim sum dolls for my grandparents and friends. I mean, I totally cracked myself up making crocheted bbq pork buns. I thought that was the funniest thing ever!

Later on, as a grown up, I fell in love with handspun yarn in delicious colors. The yarn already looked like food to me! So the scarves kind of developed from there. I started making scarves to delight myself, and I guess I just find food imagery innately delightful!

Favorite cupcake flavor?
I grew up a chocolate girl, but suddenly I’m loving lemon cupcakes with lemon curd filling!

Favorite cupcake flavor to crochet?
I just crocheted a scarf with pink frosting and mint green cake bottoms for a video I made to promote my book, and I really loved the color combo! What flavor is that? Tutti frutti? :P
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2 Responses to Twinkie-Chan and her Amazing Technicolor Crochet Cupcakes

  1. Marie

    Oy. For serious, please learn the difference between knitting and crocheting. Or at least, when you’re featuring someone who crochets, don’t interchange knitting and crocheting. kthxbai!

  2. Kupkakeqt

    I LUB LUB LUB Twinkie Chan creations!! I have a few of her items that I bought on Etsy, including this uber kawaii pink CROCHETED (lol) Cupkake brooch! I wear it all the time and people are always coming up to me asking me where I got it! Great going Twinkie Chan and good luck on your book!

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