Gamla svenska mynt har ibland ett silvervärde. Tex så svenska enkronor innan 1968 har ett silvervärde på flera kronor per krona. Se vad gamla silvermynt kan vara värda.
Im no specialist, but I feel you just stated the perfect issue. You clearly know a lot about what youre discussing, and I can genuinely support that. Thanks for being so straightforword and so sincere concerning the subject matter. I really feel like I’ve a much better understanding now.
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September 10th, 2010 at 3:08 pm
Gamla svenska mynt har ibland ett silvervärde. Tex så svenska enkronor innan 1968 har ett silvervärde på flera kronor per krona. Se vad gamla silvermynt kan vara värda.
September 15th, 2010 at 6:26 am
Im no specialist, but I feel you just stated the perfect issue. You clearly know a lot about what youre discussing, and I can genuinely support that. Thanks for being so straightforword and so sincere concerning the subject matter. I really feel like I’ve a much better understanding now.