
By on October 7th, 2008 . Filed under: Artwork .

Here are a few photos from the exhibition, taken by Becky Stern.

Fibers artist Mindy Sue Meyers had her ASU graduate thesis show opening on  Sept. 22 called “Stitchalicious”.  She created delicious soft sweets and skillfully crafted domesticities like aprons and faux-foods including cupcakes.

If you would like to check out more images from the opening you can visit Arizona Foothills Magazine and also the Craft Zine Blog.

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3 Responses to Stitchalicious

  1. Tyler Wittock

    Wow, that looks amazing and delicious!

  2. David Guetschow

    Fantastic, Outstanding, Great Job and Non fating

  3. Michelle LaRoux

    I loved meeting you and your artwork is beautiful!!Your inspiring me!!

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