Cupcake Pinatas

By on October 5th, 2008 . Filed under: Birthday Ideas, Holidays, Party Items .

Cherry Sprinkles First Birthday Ladybug Cupcake Pinata $26.00

Oh, sooo yummy! This cute pink and white cupcake is covered with sprinkles, sparkling #1’s, and a big cherry with a leaf and a ladybug on top! This cupcake pinata is 14″ wide and 14 1/2″ tall, made from recycled newspaper, tissue and foam.

Have a pinata custom made for your next party! Pinatas should be ordered 4 weeks before your big event. No two will be exactly alike and candy is not included.

Also available…

Black Cherry Skull and Crossbones Cupcake Pinata $26.00

Chocolate Cherry Pink Swirl Cupcake $26.00

Rubber Ducky Cupcake Pinata $26.00

These cupcake pinatas and many more are available at Birchangel Custom Pinatas.

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5 Responses to Cupcake Pinatas

  1. Lyns

    These are ADORABLE!

  2. Cynthia Oliva

    I was wanting to know if you would be able to make me a cupcake pinata with my daughter’s name on it and to also say it’s her 1st birthday??? Thank you & I would really appreciate if you could get back with me ASAP!!!

  3. anne luna

    just wondering if the cherry sprinkles ladybug cupcake could be made with the “pull string” option instead of hitting it, and if it could have a 3 instead of a 1 for my daughter’s b-day…

  4. GG

    i was wondering if was possible to have a pinata made and sent to me by the 12th of Dec. Please get back with me ASAP! THANKS

  5. veronica

    i will like to know if im still on time to order my cupcake pinata my daughters b-day is july 6 2011 and also can we add number 2 some where or her name ??? please get back to me asap

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