Posts by Author

The Best of Easter

By on Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

With Easter just passed, I have to share one fantastic reader contribution.  These are simply amazing.

This is a cupcake tree created by Trish from Sweetology.  She says “Are you like me and look at everything and say….how can I use that object with/for/on my cupcake??”

Well this tree seemed to just appeal to her and the results are amazing!

Alphabet cupcakes – E is for eggnog

By on Friday, April 22nd, 2011

Eggnog is awesome, but these cupcakes from Chockylit look even better, and why is that?  Well I am glad you asked, the reason is the Bourbon Caramel Cream Cheese Frosting!!!  I haven’t made this version before, but I have made a very similar cupcake, which if you like eggnog is divine.  Most of all though I want to try the frosting, which I think would probably work well on lots of different types of cupcakes.

So whether you try these cupcakes now, for Christmas in July, or wait till the official date in December, it is a recipe worth filing away!

Be a bunny!

By on Wednesday, April 20th, 2011

What else this Easter would you rather be than a bunny??  And with these colorful easter themed easter cupcakes from Keira’s Cakes how can you argue?!  I love the purple carrot cupcakes, and personally I don’t think there would be a sweeter or nicer way to eat a whole raw carrot, than these lovely icing ones on top of a fantastic moist and delightful cupcake!

D is for Dr Pepper?

By on Monday, April 18th, 2011

What could be a great ingredient for the letter D?  I admit I have been a little stumped!  But in the end it hit me, what else but Dr Pepper?

Down here in Aussie land, Dr Pepper cannot be found in many places… there was once a day when Dr Pepper tried to storm our shores in force, but for some reason cherries and Aussies don’t mix and it quickly disappeared from our supermarket shelves.  You can still get it in some specialty stores, though…

And I think it would be fantastic in a cupcake, like in this one from Cupcakeables!  The cupcake here can be made either from scratch or from packet mix, so whether you are looking for a simple quick fix with a bit of pizazz or want to experiment with a potential future masterpiece you are sure to have fun with these!

Cherry Dr Pepper cupcakes from Cupcakeables

Alphabet Cupcakes! C is for Chili

By on Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

So many choices, the obvious leader… Chocolate, the other contenders carrot and caramel… but I wanted to choose something a little different, chili!  But don’t worry, if you love chocolate, I have actually mixed the two and gone for a chili chocolate cupcake!  In fact, why not add another C, in the form of some Cinnamon!

Throw it all together and you have these wickedly good looking cupcakes…

Cinnamon, Chili, Chocolate Mud Cupcakes

As you can tell from the photo, this cupcake is from Not Quite Nigella.  Lorraine is from down under, in fact, from my original home city of Sydney.  She is making quite a statement and has a book due out next year.  But lets get to talking about this cupcake, the mud cake is rich and dense (like a good mud cake should be) and uses Dagoba Powder for the spice mix.  Don’t fret though if you don’t have this in your local supermarket as it can easily be recreated by making your own, which is explained on the blog, along with the irresistible recipe!

Alphabet Cupcakes! B is for Butterscotch

By on Sunday, April 10th, 2011

So you thought I would go with banana, right?  Well I am not sure about making this too healthy and seeing I featured fruit yesterday, I thought today we could do with a Triple dose of sugar!

Triple Butterscotch Cupcakes

This cupcake is from the delightful Annie’s Eats.  I have featured her cupcakes before because I am yet to try one of her recipes and not be totally in love the results, and I have been eyeing these wonderful cupcakes off since she published the recipe in November last year.

There are three parts to this cupcake, the cake, the frosting and then the butterscotch sauce, which should be applied just before serving or eating, for MAXIMUM butterscotch appeal! But why read about it? see the recipe here.

Alphabet Cupcakes! – A is for Apple

By on Friday, April 8th, 2011

Today I am going to do something a little different, that is, feature a different cupcake each couple of days… for each I will share with you a fantastic cupcake blog which features the cupcake recipes with that alpha ingredient!  Each of these blogs have the recipe listed so you can try and make these yourself!

So first up (unless you have mastered reciting the alphabet backwards) is A, and what better than an apple! (With a name of AppleCupcake, I couldn’t really choose anything else huh?)

Spiced Apple Cupcakes with Maple Buttercream

These cupcakes come from Raspberri Cupcakes and represent everything that is hearty and good about apples!  I love the look of these deep brown cupcakes that on the inside have a dense moist look, almost like a muffin, but topped with delectable buttercream.

Find the recipe here.