Guinness and Bailey Irish Cupcakes

By on December 29th, 2011 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas, Recipes .

Thinking of what to put together for your New Year’s Eve party?

Why not cook up your brew instead of drinking it?  Here’s a recipe for Guinness and Bailey Irish Cupcakes that strikes me as rather top-o-the-morning.

Take it one step further, and here’s a recipe for Chocolate Guinness and Whiskey Cupcakes with Bailey’s Frosting.  I’d put this into the later-in-the-day category.

And this recipe variation includes a bittersweet ganache with whiskey option within the Guinness Cupcake.



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1 Response to Guinness and Bailey Irish Cupcakes

  1. Hogward

    Thanks for the Irish cupcakes to make the grand new year party.

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