Posted by
hungry runner
March 28th, 2013

These cupcakes by The Adventures of Sugarbelle are seriously the cutest Easter cupcakes I have ever seen! At first I thought the head of the chick was a macaron but after scrolling down further and looking at the image closer I realized they are little chick cookie cupcakes! They cupcakes look easy to put together but I have a feeling this would be an all day decorating event so if you’re planning on these better start soon!
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Cupcake Ideas, Decorating, Holidays
Posted by
hungry runner
March 27th, 2013

Meri Meri is one of my favorite companies, everything they make is very cute, especially their cupcake topper sets. For Easter they have this Happy Easter Cupcake Treat Kit on the Hearth Song website. The kit, which costs $12.99 includes two egg boxes with tags and ribbons, 24 mini cupcake liners, and 12 cupcake toppers. I love that the cupcakes are displayed in the egg carton, such a festive idea that you could easily replicate on your own after dying a dozen Easter eggs!
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Decorating, Holidays, Party Items
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Posted by
hungry runner
March 24th, 2013

Each Sunday I like to flip through the Parade Magazine that comes inside the Sunday newspaper with the coupons and flyers. There is usually a good recipe or two inside. This week, in preparation for Easter there is a vanilla cupcake recipe and three Easter cupcake decorating ideas. I think I have seen versions of these over the years but sometimes it’s good to see an old idea again. Personally I still love the “hot chick” because it looks too easy to mess up!
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Cupcake Ideas, Decorating, Holidays, Recipes
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Posted by
hungry runner
March 23rd, 2013

I found these creative Bunny’s Carrot Garden Easter Cupcakes on Wilton’s website. I know filled cupcakes are very popular right now and I think these cupcakes would be a huge hit at any Easter celebration! Most of the reviews say that they are easy to make and guest liked them.
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Cupcake Ideas, Decorating, Holidays
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Posted by
hungry runner
March 21st, 2013

Easter is just 10 days away, which means if you haven’t started getting your Easter baskets ready it is time you start. Or you could just buy this Sweets in Bloom Easter Cupcake from Walmart for $26.99. The ceramic keepsake cupcake container is filled with Peeps, Jelly Beans, SweetTarts, Dum Dums and more making it a fun gift for children or adults.
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Gifts, Holidays
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Posted by
hungry runner
March 18th, 2013

These Crayola pick your pack cupcake my day crayons are a Target exclusive and a steal at only $0.79! There’s only one review on the Target website but according to the review, these eight colored crayons are great colors! I think they would make a great item to throw into an Easter basket!
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Crafts, Kids
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Posted by
hungry runner
February 27th, 2013

As much as I love all the crazy and unique cupcake flavors my favorite cupcake is usually a simple vanilla cupcake. I noticed She Makes and Bakes blog post for the perfect vanilla cupcake and it peaked my interest. My favorite vanilla cupcakes usually have real vanilla beans in them in addition to vanilla extract so we will see how these, which only call for extract, turn out. I haven’t tried these cupcakes yet as I decided to give up desserts for lent but as soon as Easter arrives I’m going to test these out. Click “continue reading” for She Makes and Bakes’s recipe. Continue reading »
Filed under:
Blogs, Cupcake Ideas, Recipes
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