NerdCake of the Week: Old School Videogame Cupcakes by Rakka

By on Monday, March 22nd, 2010

Cupcakes have a natural nostalgia about them – as sophisticated as they’ve gotten, they still have roots back to the days when we regularly ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch and watched cartoons on TV on Saturday mornings.

That’s why I find this week’s nerdcakes to particularly appropriately themed – the geeky nostalgia of Space Invaders aliens and Super Mario Bros. 1up mushrooms meets the childhood nostalgia of cupcakes to create a tasty snack that is somehow cooler and more up-to-date than all that nostalgia might imply.

Thanks to Rakka and her fantabulous Flickr photostream for these lovely pictures! (Also, bonus points for no fondant :)