Girls Bake Club Use Cupcakes to Spread Charity and Cheer

By on Monday, August 26th, 2013

1000283_202586449896259_955183138_nA group of young ladies in Wisconsin have turned to the power of cupcakes to help them in their quest to raise money for charities. The Girls Bake Club was created by Madison Cloutier, Alysha Nelson, Cynthia Manson, and Ajia Hayden when they wanted to raise money for the Go Bo! Foundation. Baking cupcakes with orange frosting to match the foundation’s color scheme. Selling the cupcakes in local stores, the girls were able to raise over a thousand dollars for the charity. Wanting to continue what they started and help other worthy causes, the Girls Bake Club is reaching out with further cupcake sales. Read the rest of this entry »