Nerdcake of the Week: Futurama Cupcakes

By on Friday, July 2nd, 2010

Futurama Cupcakes by Unicorn Magic Baking Co. (photo courtesy of Unicorn Magic Baking Co.)

I was clued into this week’s nerdcake by Cupcakes Take the Cake. While Rachel of CTTC hasn’t watched the show, I have and it makes these cupcakes all the more adorable. We have the Unicorn Magic Baking Company out of LA to thank for these hilarious creations.

NerdCake of the Week: Brain Slug Cupcakes!

By on Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

I stand amazed. These cupcakes are little cartoon-y works of art. Works of art that get special points for the cool Futurama reference and the fact that they are delicious (at least, that’s what their creator Alicia Policia claims, and far be it from me to gainsay the words of such an artiste).

Ingredients used: homemade vanilla cupcake base (made from scratch), buttercream icing brains with a touch of grenadine, and gum paste slugs with royal icing eyes and flower stamen attenae. Neat!