Creating a cupcake christmas tree

By on Saturday, December 4th, 2010

There are many ways to create a cupcake christmas tree, including using cupcakes on a christmas tree cupcake stand, or what I am talking about today, and that is decorating your regular every Christmas fake or real Christmas tree with cupcake decorations!

Start with heaps of tinsel, and then put up your cupcake Christmas lights if you can get them, if not go with candy cane lights, or failing that normal lights.  Then decorate all the rest of your tree with cupcake based ornaments!  Here are some cupcake decoration ideas:

  • Glass Cupcake Ornaments
  • Faux Cupcakes (any design, just add a little ribbon)
  • Cupcake pictures adhered to pegs
  • Cupcake pictures hung by ribbons
  • Felt Cupcake Pouches
  • Cupcake wrapper streamers (and don’t limit yourself to the Christmas tree!!!)

Happy decorating!

Oh, and one word of caution, ensure your cupcake lights are safe to use with paper if you are making paper streamers as you don’t want a cupcake bonfire!

CakeJournal’s (Cup)Cake Decorating Tutorials

By on Monday, July 5th, 2010

photo courtesy of CakeJournal

When I was tooling around CakeJournal‘s site after getting info about Louise’s cupcake needle felt pillows, I found her collection of cake decorating tutorials. This made me happy because it reminded me that the creation of fancy cupcake decorations are indeed within even my beginner’s grasp.

In my quest to find new and interesting cupcake news for ATC, I see the incredible craft and artistry that goes into decorating cupcakes and cakes. I’m always  impressed by the creativity of these pieces.  However,  most of the time  I can’t say that I find inspiration in them because it often looks like a level of composition and sculpture that’s well out of my league. I think that CakeJournal’s collection of tutorials is just the thing to bridge that gap.

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The Sweetest Christmas Decorations EVER!

By on Thursday, December 24th, 2009

You all are never going to believe these sweet decorations I found on Bakerella today.  I want her to come decorate my house next year.  These are just a few of the photos so head over to Bakerella to see the others.  I am absolutely speechless…