Cupcake tattoos for angels

By on Monday, November 8th, 2010

Today I am privileged to be able to share with you two awesome cupcake tattoos from our readers!  The first is not so much an angel looking tattoo but one that symbolizes a wonderful girlfriend who passed away.  Amanda was devestated by the loss of her best friend, but wanted to find someway to remember the fun and special connection they had shared.  So she chose something girly and delicate in the form of a cupcake, sprinkled with color.

Amanda’s cupcake tattoo is located on her arm and is something she gets much joy out of.

The second tattoo is more angelic in its design, given it has angel’s wings!  This tattoo on Jana was done about five years ago by Jennifer Knox from Hold Fast Tattoo, in Seaside, OR.  Jana wanted a tattoo to celebrate self acceptance of who she is and selected on the angel cupcake given it was fun and daring.  Jana describes herself as “a big curvy girl with an appetite for life” and wanted to show that in her tattoo choice!

Thank you to both Amanda and Jana for sharing their cupcake tattoos with us!  Remember if you are planning on getting a cupcake tattoo All Things Cupcake has a huge gallery of cupcake tattoos!

Two sides to every cupcake tattoo

By on Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

Tammie from Texas has just recently sent us these new tattoos that she has just had done.  Instead of just creating a single design on one arm, she has decided to create two identically sized cupcake tattoos, one on each arm.

From the image above you can see that the cupcakes are very similar however are subtly different too, but it is not until the color is added in the image below that you fully can appreciate this design.  The cupcake on her right arm (left side of the above and below pictures), is the cupcake of good, with angel wings and a floating frosting halo, her eyes sweetly shut, where as the other cupcake, is the evil devil cake, with a red paper, red wings and horns, his eyes sinister and a little devil tail below.

Fantastic concept and brilliantly executed.  The tattoos were done by Shelbi at Renegades Tattoo in El Paso Tx.