Archive for the 'Tattoos' Category

Amazing cupcake tattoos

By on Friday, September 17th, 2010

We have featured some pretty amazing tattoos in our time, but these I have to say are some of the best.  Check out this one of Hello Kitty with a cupcake!

The artist is Kristel Oreto and she is known across the USA for her amazing cupcake art and it is easy to see why. We have another three of her cupcake tattoos featured…

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Zombie tattoo or sweet tattoo?

By on Sunday, August 22nd, 2010

One of my favorite things is seeing the different tattoos that you our readers submit to us!  I could never have believed that we would see such diversity in cupcake tattoos! Today is no different, we have total opposites for you!

Our first is from Emma who got herself a Zombie Tattoo, yup thats right a Zombie! She admits to being crazy about cupcakes, with her own cupcake business ‘The Cupcake Emporium’ and also about Halloween so she combined the two to come up with this little green Zombie Cupcake. Personally I am strongly hoping that she doesn’t combine these two passions while she is baking those cupcakes!  hehe, I’ll have a batch of cupcakes, but you can hold the worms!

Emma plans to create a five cupcake series with a werewolf, a Dracula, a skeleton and a witch or Frankenstein on her lower back.  All in cupcake form of course!  If you think Emma should go in a particular direction let us know!!  Perhaps she will be share the image with us again when she has it done!! :)

Our second cupcake tattoo is from Kambry who wanted something to signify her daughter, but instead of going the been there and done that name or foot print she went for a cute cupcake! Soon she will have her daughter’s date of birth printed underneath!

A great cupcake tattoo idea or two

By on Monday, August 16th, 2010

This cupcake tattoo is literally still hot only being done a week or so ago!  But what makes it so cool is the unique idea that Margo had.  You see Margo has three gorgeous kids, so she asked them to each select a frosting and then had each one tattooed on her back. The picture to the right here is Margo showing off her new tattoo less than an hour or so after it was done!

Our second idea was found and greatly admired by one of our readers.  It is a cool swirl of blue in the middle of which sits a very prim and pretty cupcake adorned with bow and pearls!

Thanks Margo and Angie for sharing.

Little cupcake tattoos

By on Thursday, August 12th, 2010

The idea for a cupcake tattoo may to some of you be a wild and fanciful idea that although tempting is too permanent to seriously consider.  Plus those big cupcakes that take up a whole shoulder may cause you concern, perhaps you do not want to be defined by your tattoo, but merely want to have a little piece of what is important to you close to you at all times.  If this is you, then maybe a smaller cupcake tattoo is more your style!
The smaller the tattoo the less detail you can capture, but you can still achieve something amazing as these two reader submissions clearly show.  The first one above is quite simply adorably cute.  The girly lashes and that fifties fringe curl are just so sweet.  And if you are looking to make it smaller skip the additional candy.

This is Sue’s tattoo and she used this site to find a design that she liked, she then adapted it into this irresistible cupcake.  Her tattoo was  created in Pont Credit Ontario.

The cupcake tattoo in the picture to the left is another idea at how to create a gorgeous little cupcake tattoo, that is both discreet and funky.  Danielle got her cupcake done because it reminded her of her mother’s name for her ‘cupcake’ but it has become more a symbol of where she has come from and gone too.  Danielle now has her own successful cupcake business which she runs from home.

More Cupcake Tattoos!

By on Thursday, July 29th, 2010

We just love it when our readers send in cool pictures.  Thank you!  As for the crown-bearing cupcake, DeDe writes:  

I’ve wanted a tattoo for as long as I can remember, but my fear of needles and pain has prevented it for much of my life.  But my BFF finally just made me do it…and I’m so excited that I did.  I have a strange obsession with crowns and a deep love of cupcakes, so what better way to show them off than together?  Thanks to your site for the inspiration!


And thank you to Melanie for sharing her cool socks with us!  And what a great picture too! 

And Amy from Detroit writes of her tattoo:  I wanted to share my cupcake tattoo with you guys… and I only discovered your site after searching “cupcake tattoos” a while back when coming up with my idea.  I drew the tattoo, however the amazing artist really made it so much better.  It’s on my back.  I absolutely love Halloween and colorful innocent sweet things… if you couldn’t tell !!

New Times Features Cupcake Tattoos!

By on Tuesday, July 27th, 2010

Visit New Times to see a slideshow of South Florida chefs, cooks, and bakers and their tattoos!  Here are a few of my favorites, which belong to Amanda Linton, the co-owner of House of Sweets Bakery in Delray Beach.

Sweet cupcake tattoos

By on Friday, July 23rd, 2010

I think it is high time the phrase “diamonds are a girl’s best friend” is reworked. Unfortunately diamonds can be a ‘tad’ expensive, so in the place of the diamond (while we work on our boy to buy them for us) we need a substitute!  Hello little adorable cupcake!

My proposal is that from now on it should be “cupcakes and diamonds are a girl’s best friend”.  So given that, I couldn’t believe my eyes when Kiwi sent in a picture of her recent tattoo!  On top of this cupcake is a diamond for which any girl would be proud, though I do recommend removing any real diamonds or rings (what a fantastic way to propose) before consuming!

Kiwi’s tat is on her foot and was designed by Reno of High Class Tattoo in Fresno, Ca. So too Read the rest of this entry »