Archive for the 'Holidays' Category

Santa Hat Cupcakes

By on Sunday, December 23rd, 2012

Santa Hat cupcake

There’s no such thing as too much frosting, especially when Santa is in town! This delightful photo brought to you from lenibvs’s  Flickr photostream, the home of many tasty-looking treats!


Ornament Cupcakes

By on Sunday, December 23rd, 2012

My sister sent me the link to the Hello Cupcake App video for ornament cupcakes being produced at the factory.  It’s a really cute little video with great sounds that kids are sure to love.  If you are interested in trying to make your own ornament cupcakes, the technique of the month is shimmering and glimmering which will get you started!

Nativity Cupcakes

By on Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

‘Tis the season for … nativity cupcakes of course! I would feel a little bad about eating the baby Jesus, but I wouldn’t mind taking out a wise man for the cause. (Photo courtesy of BWPGroup blog.)

Pear and Cranberry Cupcakes

By on Wednesday, December 19th, 2012

Too pretty to eat, right? These pear and cranberry cupcakes were created by The Baking Pan,where you’ll find complete recipe and instructions. Mmm … just the idea of sweet pears and cranberries alongside the warmth of cloves and nutmeg … gotta go!

Cupcake Christmas Trees

By on Friday, December 14th, 2012

Every year at this time we receive a lot of amazing cupcake Christmas tree photos from our wonderful fans.  Here are our first submissions this year from our Facebook page.  I so wish my hubby would let me put up one of these in our house!

Loyal fan, Karen, has not one but two cupcake Christmas trees!






And how about this pink beauty?  It was sent in by Tans TastyCakes in New Jersey.


Do you have a cupcake Christmas tree too? Well, head on over to our Facebook page and share it with us!  Have a sweet Christmas!

Simple Rudolph Cupcakes

By on Friday, December 14th, 2012

Looking for a kid-friendly cupcake idea? Here it is! Rudolph cupcakes from Welcome Sunshine Home! All you need is chocolate frosting, marshmallows, animal crackers, and m&m’s! That’s one yummy looking herd!

Cupcake Holiday Garland

By on Wednesday, December 12th, 2012

Looking for another easy holiday craft project to make with cupcake liners? How about this cupcake garland shared by On a Whim.  Just string various sizes and colors together and voila! A beautiful decoration to spruce up any tree, wall, or doorway.