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A Call to Revive Sweetest Day: Make 10/16/10 sweet for those who need it most!

Posted by on October 7th, 2010

Sweets for Sweetest Day by Shari's Berries

The third Saturday in October is Sweetest Day; this year that falls on October 16th. It’s a wee holiday that’s mostly celebrated up in the Great Lakes region with the giving of small gifts to loved ones. Sweetest Day originated in Cleveland, Ohio in 1922 as a PR move by a committee of Cleveland confectioners: on the first Sweetest Day, 20,000 boxes of candy were distributed to the city’s poor and unfortunate by movie stars. Admittedly, giving boxes of candy to the needy is great press, but what I take away from this is that Sweetest Day is about giving to those who need it most.

I want to advocate for a revival of Sweetest Day as a holiday where we again give to the most vulnerable among us.  Since we can all agree that cupcakes are way better/sweeter than candy, it’s pretty easy to see how we can fit our favorite baked good into this equation.  Also, from what I’ve read in All Things Cupcake, cupcake aficionados are all about uniting our favorite food with philanthropy.  This is something we do naturally – it’s no secret cupcake-lovers are sweethearts.

Celebrations of Sweetest Day can be as literal as giving cupcakes to orphans, but they could also take the form of bake sales to feed the hungry or to raise awareness about epilepsy. We’ve already seen the outpouring of cupcakes and funds in the wake of the earthquake in Haiti and Jody Hall‘s use of Cupcake Royale as a platform for social justice.   Let’s use Sweetest Day as a way to celebrate the best parts of ourselves and to use cupcakes to their greatest potential – helping our fellow human beings.

If you decide to plan something for Sweetest Day, let us know! We at All Things Cupcake would love to hear about our readers plans to bring back what is possibly the only cupcake-related social justice holiday in existence.

Cupcake Competitions Coast to Coast

Posted by on February 11th, 2010

February isn’t just about presidential federal holidays or your valentine…it’s also about bare-knuckles cupcake smackdowns.  The East Coast brings us the Iron Cupcake Challenge on February 28th at the Tortilla Press Cantina. Open to the amateur and the baking professional, the fifth annual Iron Cupcake Challenge will center (like its namesake) around one special ingredient: chilies.  Cost to participate is $15 for adults and $7 for kids under 12, and the proceeds from this event will go towards earthquake relief in Haiti.

From the left coast we have the third annual Cupcake Challenge on February 20th at the Hollywood Renaissance Hotel. Over 20 Southern California cupcakeries will go head to head for the honor of becoming the Cupcake Challenge Champion. Since it’s LA, there’s a celebrity judge panel, but members of the public in attendance at the event also get an equal vote.  20 different cupcakes to sample, $40 at the door – if you have room in your stomach, the math works out in your favor.

Cupcakes for Haiti: Sweet Exchange Benefit for Canadian Foundation for the Children of Haiti

Posted by on January 26th, 2010

Cupcakes are versatile things. They’re tasty, portable, come in many flavors, have been known to create jobs, and also happen to be really good for fundraising.  Emma Klassen of Kelowna, BC made the right choice when she decided to make 300 gourmet cupcakes to exchange for donations to the Canadian Foundation for the Children of Haiti.

Klassen put together this Saturday’s Sweet Exchange to collect money and supplies for the Haiti Home for Children, an orphanage and school run by the CFCH. Though the orphanage’s buildings have been damaged, the children and caretakers were not hurt in the earthquake and are presently living in the orphanage’s courtyard.

While the Sweet Exchange is over,  the Haiti Home for Children still needs your help. You can send donations to the CFCH at:

The Canadian Foundation for the Children of Haiti
11400 Seafield Crescent
Richmond, B.C. Canada. V7A 3J2

(CFCH is a registered Canadian charity. CRA Business No. 89000 4591 RR0001. Donations qualify for CIDA’s matching grant program.  Tax receipts will be issued for donations over $20)

Help for Haiti via Tiny Hands & Little Cupcakes

Posted by on January 21st, 2010

She is hardly bigger than a cupcake herself, but her heart is much bigger than many people on the face of the earth. A 4 year old girl from Louisville, KY is motivating people to help the earth quake victims in Haiti by baking cupcakes.

Little Ella Cordrey saw the devastation in the island country on TV. She, along with her parents decided to do something to help the victims. They are now baking cupcakes and selling them to people. The proceeds will go to the victims of the earth quake. The response has been astounding.  They started with just 20 cupcakes, but now they have baked over 180 cupcakes.

They have raised over $600 so far. They will donate all this money to a group called World Vision who is helping orphans in Haiti and in other poor countries.

Cupcakes for Haiti

Posted by on January 21st, 2010

In wake of the recent earthquake in Haiti there are tons of worthy charities to donate to.  As mentioned with a post last week about Bleeding Heart Bakery, cupcakes are helping raise donations. In case you missed this past weekends event, another cupcake charity event is being held this Saturday, January 23, 2010 from 9am-1pm.  Cupcakes for Haiti in will be hosting a cupcake stand in Toronto, ON where sales from the bake sale will go to MSF/Doctors without Borders.

Additional events that  have already occurred but are still worth mentioning include the Bake Sale held in Ashburn, Virginai where the proceeds went to Food For the Poor.   Additionally Foiled Cupcakes which delivers to Chicago and surrounding cities created a sweet deal: 2 dozen cupcakes were given to the first 5 people who donated $100 to the Haitian relief via the Red Cross.

Bleeding Heart Bakery Bakes Cupcakes To Help Haiti

Posted by on January 15th, 2010

The recent earthquake in Haiti has had a real affect on everybody’s mind, body and soul. We all want to help the victims of this tragedy. And the Bleeding Heart Bakery is doing their bit by cooking cupcakes to help raise money for the people of Haiti.

The bakery will cook up special cupcakes in coconut, banana and pineapple flavors. The owners of the bakery wanted to their bid for the victims and have decided to sell these special cupcakes this weekend. All the proceeds from this sale will go to Red Cross in the aid of the earthquake victims. The cupcakes are priced at $3 per cake.

So, go to the Bleeding Heart Bakery and purchase as many cupcakes as you can. They are not only delicious, but also have a type of goodness and kindness attached to them.