Batter Co. Offers Mini-Cupcakes and Big Plans
By Lauryn on August 17th, 2013 . Filed under: Bakeries, Other .It’s not the size of the cupcake but the size of the flavor that matters. At least, that’s the philosophy behind Batter Co.’s Sweet and Savory mini-cupcake bakery in Fort Lauderdale FL. While their cupcakes remain bite-sized, their business continues to grow. Beginning online, Shaun Hunte and Sarah Whalley will soon be opening a storefront in Pompano Beach. Purchasing a vending machine for their tiny treats and franchising are also in the bakery’s long-term plans.
Batter Co. separates itself from the competition with more than just the proportions of their mini-cupcakes. The lengthy list of savory mini-cupcakes that accompany their sweeter siblings is enough to catch customers’ attention. You can order cupcakes for breakfast in flavors like bacon, egg and cheese or blueberry pancake. Or serve mini-cupcake h’orderves (mini-tizers) at an event or party. Those are available in buffalo chicken, spaghetti and meatball, and steak and cheese. Some other non-traditional flavors for their more traditional sweet batter mini-cupcakes include a vivid margarita, vibrant cotton candy, and intense orange soda mini-cupcakes. Their already diverse flavor offerings will not be left out of Batter Co.’s expansion plans as they work to perfect gluten free and vegan options.
While they’re expanding, these tiny treats are only available to the residents of South Florida’s East Coast. They do not currently ship their mini-cupcakes but they do make deliveries up to fifty miles outside of their Fort Lauderdale base of operations (delivery fees vary with distance). Having seen photos of these bite-sized cupcakes, their expansion plans can’t come to fruition soon enough.