Ink for Heroes

By on August 13th, 2012 . Filed under: Cupcakes for a cause, Tattoos .

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Now that is a cupcake tattoo! This photo was taken by Jacquie Gibson at the Ink for Heroes tattoo convention, which was held in York in June. Ink for Heroes raised money and awareness for injured soldiers.

One way that they did this is through the Cupcake Club. The Cupcake Club consists of Rose Green, Colleen Moss, and other talented volunteers who attend shows all over the UK, tattooing cupcakes and raising money and awareness for soldiers.

Here is what their website has to say about cupcake tattoos:  A cupcake is a permanent symbol and reminder that you have given and supported such a worthy cause. The Cupcake Club has tattooed hundreds of cupcakes on hundreds of supportive people.

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