Custom Cupcakes

By on June 24th, 2012 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas .

Are you in need of a fun summer baking project for your kiddos?  Or maybe your child is just dying to get involved making their next birthday cupcakes?  Check out these kids’ custom cupcakes that one Mama let her daughter decorate for her classmates.  Your kids can use food coloring markers to make decorations of their choice on white fondant.  This would be a relatively mess-free way to get your kids involved in the baking process.


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1 Response to Custom Cupcakes

  1. Kim Vinton

    My girls did this for Mothers Day. We boxed them up for their Grandmas and took the rest for Our family dinner. They love to bake with me, so this was a perfect way to get them involved! I highly recommend!

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