Fire Baked Cupcakes
By hungry runner on June 12th, 2012 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas, Kids .Reading CandidCupcakes post about s’more cupcakes got me thinking about the orange grilled cupcakes I blogged last summer. I started wondering if there were any recipes or ideas on how to bake a cupcake over a campfire. After looking around I found an Ohio 4-H camp activity lesson plan. The lesson plan is part of the outdoor cooking session under the cooking with foil portion. In this session campers learn about cooking with conduction by experimenting with cupcakes. The directions read like a science experiment where you are supposed to brainstorm and plan your methods first then attempt baking the cupcakes inside fruit bases wrapped in foil. Similar to the orange grilled cupcakes but instead of a grill you use a bed of coals or the embers of a wood fire. Any brave camp counselors or parents willing to try grilled cupcakes this summer? Just check out the Ohio 4-H website for the PDF with the directions.