Valentine Confetti Cupcakes

By on February 11th, 2012 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas .

These simple (and gluten-free) cupcakes from the Betty Crocker website would be perfect to make with your kids for an after-school treat this Valentine’s Day (as if they didn’t already get enough sweets at school, right?).












You will need a few special materials in addition to the cake mix and frosting: a pair or two of decorative scissors, a heart-shaped paper punch, and a box of ‘Fruit by the Foot’ strawberry fruit snacks.  Let your kids use the scissors and the paper punch to make fun shapes out of the fruit snack to decorate their cupcakes.

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1 Response to Valentine Confetti Cupcakes

  1. Cake Gems

    The cupcakes here are quite mouth watering and your illustrations show just what the results should look like. I am hoping to find a really feather-light recipe for cupcakes. There’s a huge variety here so hopefully I will find what I want.

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