Snickers Cupcake!

By on January 11th, 2012 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas, Photos .

If this doesn’t make you hungry, then nothing will. I just found this amazing photo on the Flickr photostream of Guzzle & Nosh. The cupcake is from Joan’s on Third, a Gourmet Marketplace, Café, and Full Service Catering and Event Planning Company in Los Angeles. Yum!

Joan's On Third: Snickers Cupcake

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3 Responses to Snickers Cupcake!

  1. Ellyssa

    Um, if Trstine is reading this. I still have not received my Coco Levine Book, does it really take this long?? Does the author live in europe or something haha??

  2. Macy

    huh no updates!?!? its supposed to be updated every day.

  3. ChloeCupcake

    Whattt the? Something’s wrong. No u

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