Build a Bear Cupcake Bear

By on January 10th, 2012 . Filed under: Birthday Ideas, Cupcake Ideas, Gifts, Kids .

If you have a young one in your family, odds are you have visited Build a Bear for them to make a furry new friend.  But here’s a great reason to go back and get something for yourself! 


This new “I Heart Cupcakes Confetti Cupcake Bear” is shown with all these optional accessories for $45 but you can buy just the bear for $20.  They have several other cupcake birthday animals and this adorable animal carrier.  I wonder if I might get strange glances walking around the mall wearing this cupcake carrier with a cupcake bear in it? 


Visit StayHomeCupcake on Etsy.

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2 Responses to Build a Bear Cupcake Bear

  1. joy grubbs

    do a google image serch for abbietabbie and cupcake envy, you’ll never run out of awsomeness! the do amazing work!

  2. Build a Bear Cupcake Bear – All Things Cupcake | Build A Bear Blog

    […] Bear for them to make a furry new friend. But here's a great reason to go back and get ……/build-a-bear-cupcake-bea… Be Sociable, Share! […]

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