One Handsome Tom
By The Cupcake Faerie on November 23rd, 2011 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas .What is it about Thanksgiving that invariably leads to pleas from turkeys for clemency? Do we see similar images from cows at Fourth of July? Fish and shrimp at New Year’s Eve?
Perhaps the answer is that we draw the turkey as children, tracing our hands with crayons, turning our thumb into the smiling turkey face, our fingers into the colorful feathers. Seemingly every child is connected to turkeys, while all other animals are, well, options.
In an hour-long scan of turkey cupcakes, ranging from cupcakes made from ground turkey to cupcakes celebrating turkeys, this is the one turkey who captured my heart and made me think twice about the bird in my refrigerator. If I had seen this handsome Tom earlier this week, perhaps I would have served up imitation cupcakes, under silvery domes, to be lifted to the surprise of my guests.
(Maybe next year.)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
November 24th, 2011 at 6:04 am
[…] One Handsome Tom – All Things Cupcake If I had seen this handsome Tom earlier this week, perhaps I would have served up imitation cupcakes, under silvery domes, to be lifted to the surprise of my guests. (Maybe next year.) Happy Thanksgiving everyone! […]
November 25th, 2011 at 9:58 am
excellent article THANKS
November 25th, 2011 at 2:47 pm
Thanks for posting this. I never understand why animals are depicted pleading with us to eat other animals. How about not eating any animals at all? I had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner with family and no one had any animals on their plate.