Happy National Chocolate Cupcake Day!
By CandidCupcake on October 18th, 2011 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas .Wow…it’s a mouthful trying to say that! Good Morning America has suggested several chocolate cupcake recipes to try in your own kitchen, and I thought I’d pass this one along to all of you. These are Guinness and Bailey Irish Cupcakes.
Also in honor of the day, they have given us some ideas for making our cupcakes taste and look more like what you find at the bakery. They suggest not over-mixing your batter, which will result in a lighter and fluffier cupcake, using exact measurements instead of just eye-balling it, and choosing high-quality ingredients (high-quality baking chocolate or real vanilla beans, for instance, create a much more flavorful product than imitations).

November 9th, 2011 at 9:22 pm
[…] long ago we celebrated National Chocolate Cupcake Day. Well, TOMORROW is National Vanilla Cupcake Day. I thought it was only fair to give you a […]