For the Love of Cake …

By on August 10th, 2011 . Filed under: Bakeries, Birthday Ideas, Tattoos .

Sorry, this might be inappropriate, but somehow I just had to share it with ATC readers. Don’t blame me — blame For the Love of Cake of Toronto for this clever and hilarious decorating idea.

adult bum cake toronto

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3 Responses to For the Love of Cake …

  1. Genevieve

    And of course this ‘butt’ cake is for one of the owners, Adam, as he wishes that I (the other owner and his wife) would get that tattoo! So he got his wish, in a way!!

  2. cupcakeSerenity

    Oh, that’s too funny! You are a good wife!

  3. ubysamantha

    Awesome article. All good points that most newbies never consider!

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