Kings Park NY and DC Cupcakes!
By cupcakeSerenity on July 23rd, 2011 . Filed under: Cupcakes for a cause .If you live near Kings Park, New York, you may already be aware of the farmers market held on Sundays fom 9 to 2 in the municipal lot on Main Street. We all know that shopping at the farmers market is a great way to get wholesome, fresh food and to support local people. But in Kings Park, the story gets even better. Organizers have teamed up with Terrance Noonan, the producer of DC Cupcakes to raffle off a year of free cupcakes! The winner will recieve a dozen cupcakes each month! Proceeds will go to the food pantry at St. Joseph’s Church and to a civic association scholarship fund. The team will start selling tickets tomorrow and the winner will be picked on August 7th. Good luck!
You can also visit Kings Park Farmers Market on Facebook!