Strawberry-Lime Stuffed Cupcakes

By on July 14th, 2011 . Filed under: Recipes .

Are you ever walking down the street and all of the sudden get a massive craving for a cupcake? Well, I do and did today! I shall be giving into my craving tonight after work. Ah yes, I am just dreaming of it right now! Sometimes the cupcakes from my local bakery are a bit to heavy and rich for such hot summer days as we have been having, not to say that I wont be getting one tonight. But it got me thinking about a nice, light, summery, fruity cupcake that I could cake make that wont weigh me down on a brutally hot summer day. Low and behold, I found just the right cupcake recipe thanks to The Food Network (UK)

Strawberry-Lime Stuffed Cupcakes


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2 Responses to Strawberry-Lime Stuffed Cupcakes

  1. samantha

    what would be the measurements in the us?

  2. Kennedy


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