Cupcakes à la clémentine et mousse au chocolat
By The Cupcake Faerie on July 13th, 2011 . Filed under: Blogs, Recipes .Bonjour! Aujourd’hui, nous sommes a Paris! Good morning ~ today, we go to Paris. On our week-long trip abroad for cupcakes, we’ve been to Spain and Holland, and now on to la belle France.
“Elo les Cupcakes” is the name of the blog and the recipes range from “cupcakes a la clementine et mousse au chocolat” – we all know “mousse au chocolat” – to “les croquants gingembre et caramel.”
Just a moment on the “croquants gingembre et caramel” (croquants ginger and caramel). The flavor ingredients are the crystalized ginger, caramels, and “golden syrup.” In England, “golden syrup” means the brand Lyle’s. It is sweeter, thicker, and smoother flowing than natural honey. It is a processed sugar product. You can use honey as a direct substitute.
A demain mes amis du cupcake! Until tomorrow!