Kinky Cupcakes

By on May 31st, 2011 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas .

Every need a recipe for a flirtatious, maybe naughty cupcake? Need to tease and tantalize someone with cupcakes? If you answered yes, then look no further — I have stumbled upon a great recipe book to fill your every desire.

Kinky Cupcakes by Joanna Farrow found at Amazon


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3 Responses to Kinky Cupcakes

  1. Kristin

    I actually flipped through this book recently at Barnes and Noble. I sincerely don’t mean to be harsh, but in my opinion, it wasn’t worth the money. The cupcakes seemed poorly decorated and more time should have been spent on them considering they were being photographed. For a book. I have been a cake decorator since graduating from culinary school 7 years ago, so maybe I’m a cupcake snob. ;) But thought I’d throw in my 2 cents!

  2. RockerJewlz

    Thanks, Kristin. It’s always good to read critiques, good or bad, before buying a book….appreciate it!

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