Marilyn Monroe Cupcakes

By on May 27th, 2011 . Filed under: Decorating, Photos .

 These Marilyn Monroe Cupcakes from Jo’s Cakes just make me smile.

Glam cupcakes (3)

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2 Responses to Marilyn Monroe Cupcakes

  1. sylvia

    Good day,
    I would be interested in buying the round designs of marilyn monroe that are on your cup cakes. Do you sell them and for what price. I would need about 40. A response would be greatily appreciated. Thank you

  2. angela

    HOly cOw!?!?!?!?! That is the coolest thing I have seen!! As a huge Marilyn fan as well as a huge cupcake fan, I am in awe!!!
    Well done Jo’s Cupcakes

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