Best ever Hummingbird Cupcakes!
By applecupcake on March 8th, 2011 . Filed under: Blogs, Recipes .There are a large number of blogs that I follow religiously because they offer such fantastic information, and one of those is Annie’s Eats. It is not all about cupcakes, but then I need to eat other forms of food too (well.. sometimes!) and everything she features is brilliant!
But what I want to share today, is a cupcake that she recently featured and that I have tried and it really is… really good! Plus it looks amazing! This is the Hummingbird Cupcake! No birds however are harmed in the creation of this baby! It has loads of yummy things though like bananas, walnuts and coconut! If Grandma is coming around, this is the cupcake to bake! Best of all the full recipe is available here.
But you may want more than just a tasty cupcake recipe? Well Annie’s Eats also goes one step further and tells you how to make those absolutely fabulous dried pineapple flowers to decorate them with here. I have to make cupcakes next week for the school autumn fete (we are either six months behind or in front seasonally) so these are going to be a hit with the conservative patrons! Of course I’ll whip out some whacky colored cupcakes with adorable kid inspired fondant toppers to get the younger crowd buying as well!
Happy Baking!

March 8th, 2011 at 11:48 am
I’m really glad you like these cupcakes, but in the future, please do not use my photos without prior permission.
March 9th, 2011 at 10:42 pm
Well fancy that i made this style months ago
March 28th, 2011 at 2:00 pm
The cupcakes look really pretty, and since the writer said that she follow’s Annie’s blog religiously, I was going to click on the link she provided. I don’t care how good Annie’s recipes are, judging by the comment she left, she’s apparently very rude and doesn’t care that the author of this was sending readers her way. It’s a picture. Of a cupcake. Lighten up, Annie.
May 3rd, 2012 at 10:04 pm
[…] out some other hummingbird cupcake recipes in previous ATC posts (here and here) and see which one you’d like to try! « Cupcake Print […]