Cupcake Earrings

By on February 20th, 2011 . Filed under: Jewelry .

I saw these cupcake earrings on Accessorize and immediately had to add them to my wish list!  They are only $9.00 or £5.00 and they have $5.00 flat rate US shipping! And they have a matching necklace available in both the US and Europe.

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5 Responses to Cupcake Earrings

  1. Kell

    i like the heart sprinkles on these!

  2. pris

    hey! I want to buy this earing and I followed the link but nothing seems to appear.. If you can buy them or something let me know I am really interested in them please! help me

  3. pris

    PLEASE!!! i need to get one pair of those.. ! please )’:

  4. hungry runner

    Pris, it looks like they are no longer available on the Accessorize website. I would try contacting the website to ask them about the earrings:

  5. pris

    thanks (:

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