John Lewis Cupcake Products

By on February 18th, 2011 . Filed under: Gifts, Kitchen .

I frequently find myself wishing I lived in Eurpoe.   Things seem to be so much more sophisticated and lovely across the sea.  When I came across John Lewis’s site I immediately wished I had a UK shipping address so I could buy the Flutters and Fancies Tea Towel, £6.99, which has the image of a cake stand filled with cupcakes and a bird on top.  A similar cake stand is actually sold for £22.50, except the bird is painted on the stand instead of being perched on top. The website has more items that match these two along with tons of other great!

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2 Responses to John Lewis Cupcake Products

  1. Mrs Littler

    I live in the UK. Happy to send this tea towel to you. Use my email to PM me if you like. Cheers.

  2. Darcy's

    Me too, live near a John Lewis and could organise one for you no problem…… email me if you want. I always admire all the cupcake things across the waters on the other side and wish I had an address to order all the goodies, so know exactly what you mean!!! x

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