Heart-Shaped Cupcakes

By on February 11th, 2011 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas, Kids, Valentines Day .

Apartment Therapy Ohdeedoh’s website includes home, design, and children’s sections.  While looking around on the children’s page I noticed these heart-shaped cupcakes.  They’re perfect for Valentine’s day which is only 3 days away! The original post comes from Disney’s Family Fun where they call them Cupid’s Cupcakes. Below are the easy instructions for making these heart-shaped cupcakes without buying a heart-shaped pan.

To create the heart shape, place a small marble or a 1/2-inch ball of aluminum foil between each liner and one side of the tin (a great job for kids). This will push the paper into the batter to form the notch in the heart.

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2 Responses to Heart-Shaped Cupcakes

  1. Heart in a Cupcake | All Things Cupcake

    […] Valentine’s Day season we have showed you how to put hearts on top of your cupcakes and bake cupcakes in the shape of hearts.  Now we share with how to bake a heart in your cupcake.  If I was a little kid and bit into one […]

  2. Heart-shaped red velvet cupcakes « Phuoc'n Delicious

    […] not normally a cupcake baker (maybe because of this event), but when I saw this post about creating heart-shaped cupcakes, I knew I just had to make them and share them to you for an […]

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