Valentine’s Day Cupcakes

By on February 9th, 2011 . Filed under: Bakeries, Cupcake Ideas, Decorating, Photos, Valentines Day .

At Christmas time, we brought you gorgeous photos of Keira’s cupcakes. Now here she is again with Valentine’s Day cupcakes that are too beautiful to eat. 

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3 Responses to Valentine’s Day Cupcakes

  1. Michelle

    I just love those pinkies at the top. I’d really like to know the different tip numbers used to achieve the different looks. Pleeeeaaaasssseeee!
    Cheers and thanks,

  2. Heart in a Cupcake | All Things Cupcake

    […] Valentine’s Day season we have showed you how to put hearts on top of your cupcakes and bake cupcakes in the shape of hearts.  Now we share with how to bake a heart in your cupcake. […]

  3. Agnes pariffin

    I love those cupcake…great deco

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