The Dark Side
By cupcakeSerenity on January 31st, 2011 . Filed under: Gifts .My husband says I can’t have any more stickers, so I’m out of luck, but I thought I would pass this opportunity to y’all. What opportunity? To make everyone who sees your sticker laugh! At least, it made me laugh. Hard. I’ll do a lot for a cupcake, but the dark side? … what kind of cupcake?
This vehicle sticker is available from Cool Custom Design via Amazon for $4.

February 3rd, 2011 at 3:54 am
[…] by admin on February 3, 2011 My husband says I can not have any more stickers, so I have no luck, but I thought I would this opportunity to share them all. What Occasion? For everyone who sees your smile sticker! At least for me has to laugh. Major. I will do a lot for a cupcake, but the dark side? … This type […] All Things cakes […]