Spanish Cupcakes

By on October 7th, 2010 . Filed under: Blogs, Cupcake Ideas, Recipes .

Every now and then you stumble across something that is truly unique and fantastic, and that is exactly what happened to me when I stumbled across Alma’s website, called Spain In A Cupcake.

You see Alma until recently had never tasted the joys of the cupcake and it wasn’t until she was on a recent visit to London that she discovered their delicate goodness.  Now understandably she is addicted.  Since that visit she has taught herself how to cook and has a kitchen in which to experiment, which she is doing.

Alma may currently be spending a year living in Germany but her cupcakes are very Spanish influenced.  You see it is not just a name ‘Spain in a Cupcake‘ but also a concept.  Alma is letting Spanish flavor inspire her cupcake creations and coming up with some very unique and fantastic cupcake ideas.  So far we have the Sangria, Brazo de Gitano, Chocolate con Churros, Arroz con Leche, and surprisingly Chupa Chups!

This is just the start for Alma and her cupcake project, but it is one that I for sure will be watching with interest!  And did I mention they all come complete with recipes??

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2 Responses to Spanish Cupcakes

  1. Jarrett Volper

    Thank you so much, this was a good read. I was actually born in Spain (I’m not telling when though!) but was moved around various parts of europe and finally settled in the UK when I was 6. I dont remember much of the few years I was in spain, but the delicious smell of spanish food always seems to ring a bell in me or something. Funny, how I dont remember anything except the smells,isn’t it! I actually found a internet site dedicated to spanish recipe, which gave me great delight and thought I really should to share with your readers. Anyway, thank you again. I’ll get my husband to add your feed to my rss app…

  2. sarah hickler


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