Cupcake Corer and Decorating Set by Uncommon Goods
By jpower on September 17th, 2010 . Filed under: Accessories, Cupcake Ideas, Decorating, Mail Order, Tips .I was paging through the Uncommon Goods catalog the other day when I came across this cupcake corer and decorating set. You can find decorating sets and kits all over the place, but I thought that the corer that’s included in this kit set it apart. Getting just the right-sized filling hole in a cupcake can be fussy, possibly crumbling the cupcake in the process.
In case you’re skeptical about this corer’s usefulness or the quality of the kit in general, Uncommon Goods did a gift lab on this product to see how well it worked. While
a manufacturer’s take on their own product isn’t exactly objective, the post is pretty informative about the kit’s performance.
You’ll want to click the link to get the long version, the short version is that the cupcakes weren’t picture perfect, but they turned out better than they would have without the kit. All in all, it sounds like it’s worth the $20 price tag if you’re into making filled cupcakes on a regular basis.