Muppet Cupcakes

By on August 30th, 2010 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas .

These cupcakes are so stinking cute! Muppet Cupcakes from BlueRett Cakes

These remind me of growing up an watching the Muppet’s. If you could have a cupcake designed from anything reminding you of your childhood what would it be?

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6 Responses to Muppet Cupcakes

  1. Ryan Henson Creighton

    Your extraneous “t” at the end of “Muppet” disturbs me …

    Also, despite being a massive Muppet fan, i’m having trouble identifying the character at the top right. Crazy Harry?

  2. HeatherLynn

    the T is fixed .. thank you for pointing that out.


  3. Lisa

    I love it!! Fozzie was my fav!! And the two old critics in the balcony…

  4. Sandy

    Hahaha! These are fantastic! My nickname at High School was ‘Beaker’! Great job, very creative and effective!

  5. Emi

    @Ryan, yes I think that is supposed to be Crazy Harry. @Lisa, the critics are Statler and Waldorf. @NikkiSticks, I am thrilled also to see Sweetums. Not someone I expected to see. I love them all! I think Animal is still my favorite. That was my nickname when I was little. Some of my brothers’ friends didn’t even know my real name. They only knew me as Animal.

  6. Liam

    Great Cupcakes, One Problem, Where is Animal ! I Would of thought he’d be the most fun to do?

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