An Indian inspiration

By on July 27th, 2010 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas .

On the weekend my good friend came back from an Indian wedding and on her hands she had the most gorgeous henna tattoos.  Immediately I thought of cupcakes, as you do whenever there is a celebration at hand, and I had this brilliant unique idea, why not make henna inspired cupcakes?

So I jumped onto the internet, but of course I am not the first with this idea, so instead of make them myself I thought I would share with you my findings!

I might still make them at some point, perhaps when I am feeling a tad less intimidated :)

These images are top left by The Little Cakery, directly above by Small Things Iced and to the left by Cupcakes N Things.

They all look beautiful!

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2 Responses to An Indian inspiration

  1. Lauren Lionheart

    Gorgeous! Henna inspired cupcakes are bound to be labor intensive, cuz that’s kinda a defining feature of henna art… but obviously worth it if you’ve got the vision. i.e. that last one which I LOVE

  2. tina117

    Wow… very pretty!!

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