CakeJournal’s (Cup)Cake Decorating Tutorials
By jpower on July 5th, 2010 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas, Decorating, Recipes, Tips .
photo courtesy of CakeJournal
When I was tooling around CakeJournal‘s site after getting info about Louise’s cupcake needle felt pillows, I found her collection of cake decorating tutorials. This made me happy because it reminded me that the creation of fancy cupcake decorations are indeed within even my beginner’s grasp.
In my quest to find new and interesting cupcake news for ATC, I see the incredible craft and artistry that goes into decorating cupcakes and cakes. I’m always impressed by the creativity of these pieces. However, most of the time I can’t say that I find inspiration in them because it often looks like a level of composition and sculpture that’s well out of my league. I think that CakeJournal’s collection of tutorials is just the thing to bridge that gap.

photo courtesy of CakeJournal
While CakeJournal’s Cupcake Decorating series was the first thing to catch my eye, I was most interested in the section about gum paste decorations. Louise of CupcakeJournal has made some mighty fancy fondant cake decorations that, if sized correctly, would make for mighty fine cupcake decorations.
CakeJournal’s tutorials are high quality and cover a good range of decorating techniques ranging from the straightforward and simple to intermediate and a little advanced. I recommend them for those first forging their way into more intricate cupcake decorating techniques.

July 6th, 2010 at 10:36 pm
This website is so cute and inspiring. I love gum paste because of how versatile it is and some day i hope to be skilled enough to make neat decorations like the ones you show above. I think that’s what separates the armatures from the experts…not being able to tell the end product from the real thing. lol