World Cup Fever!

By on June 23rd, 2010 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas, Events .

Before I start talking up the cupcakes.  I just want to say that I hate horns.

I am starting to dream that we are suffering a plague of mosquitos (millions of them) and am slapping myself awake at a very unfriendly hour!

If you do not know what I am talking about, then you obviously haven’t got a fever! :) World Cup Fever that is!  But some amazing bakers around the world have and they have been cooking up their support since the opening game on the 11th June!  And speaking of that game, Grace who bakes at Cupcakes by Design in South Africa created these for a client’s Friday Football celebration.

Sarah, from  Life is Sweet, is an American living in Belfast, Northern Ireland.  She made the ‘American cupcake’ versus an English ‘fairy’ cake for their game.  Very clever!

Today the action continues with the USA vs ALG, SVN vs ENG, AUS vs SRB and GHA vs GER. Given it is Australia playing, I’ll pull out the earplugs one more time (personally I will not be getting up (it is on at 4.30am our time) but I know my partner will). Hopefully my ears and dreams will be protected from another attack of the ‘horn’ mosquitos!

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1 Response to World Cup Fever!

  1. Serge Lescouarnec

    While writing Favorite World Cup 2010 Teams Based on Food or Places You Visited on ‘Serge the Concierge’ i found some good looking cupcakes from Dubai which I used as my illustration.

    ‘The French Guy from New Jersey’
    Facebook: sergetheconcierge
    Twitter: @theconcierge

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