Farmville Cupcakes

By on June 18th, 2010 . Filed under: Announcements, Events .

Two of my guilty pleasures are joining forces:  Cupcakes and Farmville.

Farmville is the great time-sucking application on Facebook.  It is a seemingly simple game which gifts you with a virtual farm, on which you can design your avatar, buy a puppy that will follow you around, and then you can plant and harvest your own crops.  I avoid real life tasks I should be doing by planting virtual coffee, lilacs, carrots, and pumpkins.

The game is ridiculously popular.  Farmville has over 82.4 million active users.  That’s more than 1% of the entire world population.  The game started one year ago today, and in celebration of the birthday, the newest crop in Farmville’s lineup is … you guessed it!  Cupcakes!  I can now plant cupcake seeds, and 8 hours, later, I can harvest them!  Could it get any better?

Here’s my (beautiful and virtually yummy) first crop:

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2 Responses to Farmville Cupcakes

  1. How can I ask my friends' help in Farmville for rising the chicken coop? | How To Build A Chicken Coop

    […] Farmville Cupcakes | A&#406&#406 Things Cupcake […]

  2. Tricia

    I found that brief “escapes” to FarmVille to be relaxing…sort of “mindless” amusement. It is get me away from the reality of all the “news” we have handed out to us….which I find very upsetting and depressing. The challenge is to limit my time on the internet. ~Tricia/FV farmer

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