It’s all about how you cupcake!
By applecupcake on June 15th, 2010 . Filed under: Decorating .Today, I am opening the door onto the many adventures and disasters that is cupcake creation in the Apple Cupcake household! We have three kids, Alan,15 aka Cupcake Demolisher, Zoe, 11, Cupcake Designer and Megan, 6, Baby Cupcake. Together we make mess!
These images are from two recent cupcake bake outs, the first was for Mother’s Day, that is we got my mum to bake for us, so we could have all the fun decorating! The only problem was we ran out of cupcakes, so I started decorating the girls! That pic is Baby Cupcake, poor thing, I had her wedged up against the coffee machine and she just had no where to run! (evil laugh).
One of our disasters was when I had the great idea to chop up chocolate bars adding them to the wrappers (we had all the favorites, Boost, Cherry Ripe, Picnic etc). Unfortunately they glued themselves to the wrapper, and the picnic ones just tasted like burnt peanut! Personally I would have tossed the little critters, but the Cupcake Demolisher came to their rescue!
Then just the other day I gave Cupcake Designer icing pens, and along with her friend Emma, Cupcake Sidekick, they designed this batch of strange looking cupcakes!