Cupcake Gifts for Father’s Day

By on June 15th, 2010 . Filed under: Cupcake Ideas, Gifts, Holidays .

I know that cupcake obsession appears to be a predominantly female hobby but let’s not forget those awesome men out there that love these sweet treats too!   I know that we  have a strong male following here at ATC and I want to recognize their cupcake needs too.   So today I found some items on Ebay and Etsy that would make great Father’s Day gifts. 


Johnny Cupcakes Shirt $49.98


NEW Invader Zim Cupcake Cuff Link Cufflinks

Cupcake Cuff Links $17.98
m106-b Cupcake Cafe Neon Light Sign
Cupcake Neon Sign $26.00
Father's Day Cupcake Wrappers
Cupcake Wrappers 12 for $5
These wrappers would look perfect with these cuppies… 
Father's Day Beer Cupcakes
Beer Cupcakes!  24 for $30
Need I say more?

Have you seen another good Father’s Day cupcake gift? Click on the comment area below and leave us the link!

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2 Responses to Cupcake Gifts for Father’s Day

  1. toto toilet

    Man is the head of the family woman the neck that turns the head.

  2. Nolan Vanoni

    click site

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