Cupcake Wars: Team California & Episode 1
By jpower on June 14th, 2010 . Filed under: Celebrities, Cupcake Ideas, Cupcakes for a cause, Television .I know Heather Lynn is rooting for her own homestate of Massachusetts in what I think is All Things Cupcake’s new favorite show, Cupcake Wars. I just wanted to take a moment to mention that I will be in the cheering section for Team California, or really, Team Southern California. I grew up around Los Angeles, which just happens to be one of the cupcake meccas of the U.S., so I’m happy to see my former home well represented.
During tonight’s episode I have been rooting for Catarah Hampshire of Southern Girl Desserts (LA) and Todd Becker of Becker’s Bakery (Manhattan Beach, CA). I’ll do my best not to spoil anything for folks who might be catching the repeat shows later tonight, but while I am loyal to my homestate, I was actually most impressed by Hollis Wilder of Sweet! (Orlando, FL). Ms. Wilder was hands-down the most adventurous cupcaker of the bunch. I cannot believe she pulled off good cupcakes with salmon in them! I wonder if this will be the beginning of a new wave of savory cupcakes? Watch out bacon!

June 14th, 2010 at 1:46 am
So wish we got Cupcake Wars here in France! I have to say that savory cupcakes seems to be the new wave here already. Most of the French cupcake bakers have been doing them for months. Would be funny to see this trend cross back across the Atlantic.
June 14th, 2010 at 8:19 am
I watched and have to say I believe the show had it’s moments but it was mostly a let down for me. To me cupcakes are about fun, whimsy, and good eating. This competition took out all the fun and whimsy…and maybe some of the good eating because the idea of a salmon cupcake makes me gag. Sorry, probably not going to be a popular opinion.
August 2nd, 2010 at 1:47 am
It was an alright episode. Watched it for the first time this afternoon with the ol ball n chain. She loves it much more than I do.